Friday, July 3, 2015

Thoughts and Opinions


As we are all very aware of the SCOTUS ruling to make same sex marriage legal, now I am not going to tell you about my opinion on the subject itself, because it isn't important. I want to express my thoughts and opinions on other peoples reactions and thoughts.

I will be blunt and honest. I am sorry if this offends anyone, I am sorry but this is my honest thoughts.

First of all just because you are for or against the ruling, doesn't mean you need to mean rude and ugly to the other side. As I scroll though my Facebook feed I see people posting things such as:

"Time to remind the hateful bigots that this is certainly not an attack on religion, but an attack on their bigotry." 

"Could everyone do me a big favor and unfriend me if you don't support marriage equality."

In my experience and what I have read and seen, the LGBT community feels like they have been discriminated against for how they feel they should be able to live their lives, which I can understand. BUT, once the ruling came out and Christians and believers in Traditional marriage were against it, the LGBT community and those who support it where discriminating against the people who feel like marriage is between a man and a women.   

Traditional marriage supporters are being called intolerant, bigots, incompetent, idiots and many other things, simply because they hold to their convictions of what marriage should be. 

So, in other words the LGBT community and those who support it, are doing to others what they have claimed has been done to oppress them... Does this seem like it's right or fair? 

I don't think so. 

Just because you disagree with someones views on a subject doesn't mean you need to be degrading and nasty about it. It is possible to have opposing views and be genuine about it. 

No one person or groups rights are more important than any other group or person. 
I feel like everyone should be treated with the same respect. If a public official doesn't want to preform a marriage because it goes against their beliefs, find another person to do it. They shouldn't be penalized for their beliefs. Isn't that what this was partially about? Not being judged for your beliefs and being able to live life the way you want to? This applies to both sides. If you are not willing to be tolerant and understanding of other beliefs and convictions, don't expect other to accept and respect yours.
I feel like this has become a bigger issues than it needs to be, we all just need to be conciderate and genuinely nice to those around us. It's that the "golden rule"? Treat others as you would like to be treated. 
A very wise author summed it up nicely in one sentence: " A persons a person no matter how small."

As always if you ever need to contact me please feel free to via email or Facebook and of course you can leave a comment down below.

Remember that when life gets hard to moving forward and to...

Always Smile!