Monday, February 20, 2017

Another Medical update brought to you by Teasha


If you aren't already up to speed on what's going on with my medical stuff here are some past links:

Medical Update and Surgery Info:

Post Surgery Update and Results:

Iron Deficiency Anemia:

So I know you have all been waiting and asking for an update of what the heck is going on with my medical stuff, and well here it is. 

I went to see my doctor on Thursday, Feb. 16th, and he did an exam and then we went to his office where we were met by my hematologist. 

They informed me that the mass that they had found in surgery keeps growing at a rapid rate, and they keep referring to the mass as "a-typical mutated cells"

The doctor informed me that he no longer felt comfortable with trying to treat my case and that he was going to do two things. 

One, he changed my medication to a hormone that has progestin in it. Progestin is a synthetic version of progestogens which work the same as progesterone. The reason he decided to prescribe the medication is because of the following:

  • To treat a condition called endometriosis, to help prevent endometrial hyperplasia, or to treat unusual and heavy bleeding of the uterus (dysfunctional uterine bleeding) by starting or stopping the menstrual cycle.
  • To help treat cancer of the breast, kidney, or uterus.
  •  Progestins help change the cancer cell's ability to react to other hormones and proteins that cause tumor growth. In this way, progestins can stop the growth of a tumor.
  • To test the body's production of certain hormones such as estrogen.
  • To treat loss of appetite and severe weight or muscle loss in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or cancer by causing certain proteins to be produced that cause increased appetite and weight gain.
The second thing that is going to happen is that my case is being transferred to MD Anderson, a cancer center in Houston. My doctor here, has not confirmed or denied that it is cancer, however he said that if it is, it would be cancer of the uterus. 

I went on to the MD Anderson website and looked up the facts for this type of cancer, and here is the jist.

Uterine cancer, or cancer of the uterus (womb), also may be called endometrial cancer. It is the:
  • Fourth most common cancer in women.
  • Most common cancer of women's reproductive organs. 
Each year, more than 40,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with uterine cancer. The average age for diagnosis of the uterus is 60. However, the number of younger women with uterine cancer is going up. Of uterine cancers, about:
  • 25% are found before women go through menopause
  • 5% are found before women are 40 years old. (Yay for me being rare!)
Here is a link to where more information can be found:  

I know that this is a shock for most of you, and it is going to take time to sink in. It is the same for me. I know a lot of you may have questions and I want to answer them, but if I don't get back to you right away, it is because I am still processing. 

My next appointment is on March 2nd, so once I know something I will let y'all know.

As a side note, if you are a member of the church, please talk to me before putting my name in the Temple, thank you.

Again thank you for your love and support on this journey!

As always if you ever need to contact me please feel free to via email or Facebook and of course you can leave a comment down below.

Remember that when life gets hard, keep moving forward and...

Always Smile!