Friday, January 13, 2012

Baking is my passion!!!


So as you all can tell I have started a new blog to go with my new adventures. My old blog was kinda sad and depressing, so here is to a happy joyful bright future, whoop!

I have recently decided that I do not enjoy traditional college. I mean I loved my extra curricula but other than that I hate school, and when I say hate I mean HATE! I would try to get out of going to class as much as I possibly could, if there was a reason to ditch I would grab it as fast as I could. So one day last semester my mentor told me to find what I was passionate about and make that my career. At the time I had no idea what he meant, but that sent me on a jounry to figure it out.

As I set out on what i thought was going to be a long unending process of finding my passion, I would get stressed and go to the kitchen to bake something, which would make me feel much better. This is where I realized that baking was the one thing I would love to do and get paid for it. So, I started looking into culinary school. I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started this.

After looking up different schools online, I found the one. The Art Institute of Austin. It is the perfect school for what I want to do. It has a Baking program that sounds like it would be the most wonderful thing in the world. So I learned what I could about it, have talked to the admissions people and have applied to become a Bakery student and become a professional baker... I KNOW!!!! Crazy right?

Right now I am waiting to see how much this endeavor is going to cost me.... It going to be one pretty penny I can tell ya that much. :P Stay tuned for more adventure and maybe even a baking diary with pictures and recipes... if you're luck!

Always Smile!

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