Saturday, January 14, 2012

Financial Aid...SUCKS!!!


Well, as you might be able to guess by the title, Financial Aid is horrible. I had a meeting to talk with one of the people at the Art Institute about how much school is going to cost and holy cow! I was expecting it to cost an arm and a leg but not two arms and both legs. :P

While talking to Mr. Scott, my financial aid adviser, I was hopeful that I would be able to get grants and loans, and that would cover all the cost of school, I was was wrong. I was wrong by about $15,000 and that's only for the first 3 quarters of school.... So really it's more then double that...

I know you must be wondering... How in the world is Teasha going to find the money to go to this school? Well, you are on the same page as me. I got off the phone with Mr. Scott, I kinda sorta started to freak out :P I started to look for scholarships, and look into more loans, but with little to no luck.

So, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I think what I am going to have to do is put off school for another year or so, find a bakery or somewhere similar to work at and just save save save until I have the money to make all my dreams come true.

Speaking of which, this has nothing to with me but more you, yes you who ever might be reading this. I know that following your dreams sounds scary and that you might not want to put forth the effort; but trust me when I say it's worth it. Before I decided to become a baker, I was going to traditional college, and I loved it but hated classes. I didn't go to school because I want to learn, I went because I was in Student Government. Yes, I know that's very dorky, but it's a lot of fun. SGA was the best thing I could have done but it was also the hardest to leave. I left everything I had planned with SGA to go after my own dreams. Which for those of you who know me, that's CRAZY! I never do anything that would help myself i am a pathological people pleaser. I would much rather make others happy and make myself miserable, then put my needs first. I have recently realized this is no way to live my life, and since then I have never been happier. So, I guess my point is that no matter how hard it might seem to achieve your dreams, GO AFTER THEM! I don't care what they are just do it! You'll never have a regret if you try, but if you don't you could miss out on a wonderful experience. I know it sounds easier to say then do, but please at least give it a try? PLEASE??? And then once you do let me know how it goes! I'm sure it will be awesome! Maybe not at first kinda like with my baking dream but it will all work out in the end. Come what may and love it, right? ;)

Always Smile!

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