Tuesday, July 17, 2012

New look, and a lot of new news!


So as y'all can tell I have gotten yet another new look for my wonderful blog... but that's just how I roll. I am liking the new look and can't wait to keep y'all more updated about life as Teasha.

Well, as you all know I am probably the most indecisive person in the entire world... that being said my major has once again changed....

I know what you're thinking "Oh big surprise, I saw that coming a mile away...."

Before y'all go jumping to conclusions let me refer back to my last post back in January...

I was honestly wanting and hoping to go to culinary school. I got my hopes up higher than they had been in a while. But when it came down to it, I sadly couldn't afford it. It was hard but I know that what's meant to be will happen. I just gotta keep moving forward.

So, after the dream of owning my own bakery disappeared (for now at least), I took an 8-week class at Blinn and started up with all my Student Government activities which includes me being on the Texas Junior College Student Government Associations Executive Board for this coming school year... I don't wanna bore y'all with the details but I know I am awesome! :P

Speaking of Me being awesome... I was excepted into a very elite internship. They accept less applicants than Harvard does. Where might this internship be you ask... Drum roll please...................... The National Society of Leadership and Success. I basically am starting an honors society on campus for students who want to be leaders. Whoop! Yay me!

Another cool thing that has kept me busy and away from updating everyone is that I was on a campaign. Yes, a real political campaign. I was helping a local candidate run for Texas House of Reps! How cool is that? Not too many people my age can say that they have worked on a campaign. Well even though I worked my butt off we lost by 61 votes and I once again had to move on with my life.

(Sorry I am trying to update y'all in a very quick way so y'all are only getting snippets of what actually happened.)

During all of this I was working at the wonderful land of Kroger (a grocery store for those of you who might not know) and hating it. Don't get me wrong I loved my co-workers... or most of them. But I absolutely hated my job itself. So as soon as I could I got out of there. I am now currently working in an office and I LOVE IT!! Things work wise couldn't be better.

As for life in general, thing are pretty good at the moment. I am getting ready to go to Georgia for The National Society of Leadership and Success and couldn't be more excited. Then next week is my BIRTHDAY!!! I am going to be an adult adult!!! In case you are wondering an adult is 18 but an adult adult is 21 because you can then pretty much do anything...no that I will.

Seeing as how this is one very important birthday I get to celebrate it in one of the most amazing ways possible, at the happiest place on earth, yes folks I mean Disney World! I am waaaay excited and can't wait!

Well that's all I have for now, be looking for more posts more often. Remember that when life gets hard to keep moving forward and of course don't forget to...

Always Smile!

1 comment:

  1. If you want any more help with the blog revamp just let me know! I would love to help!
