Monday, July 30, 2012

Becoming an Adult- Adult


Well this past week has been a fun one. I started it out in not such a great place then ended it on could nine. I know that's a far stretch fir anyone in the matter of a couple days.

But I don't wanna focus on the bad part of the week. So I will tell you this, I have the most amazing friends in the entire world. They are always wanting to help me even when I have pushed them away for the last six months or so. Without them I don't think I would be here today.

So, I have determined that I need to stop trying to figure out life and just let it happen and enjoy it as it does happen. You never know who Heavenly Father is going to place in your life and you have to be ready for these amazing people at any given time. And I defiantly wasn't ready this last time.

BUT wait.... I am getting ahead of myself here let me back up to my 21st birthday and go from there. :)

So this past Friday (July 27th) was my 21st birthday. I know crazy, right?!? How on earth did I become old enough do legally do most anything... I don't know where my childhood went. I remember being in like the 3rd grade thinking that growing up would never ever happen and I would just be stuck as a kid for ever... Oh boy was I wrong!

SO for my birthday I decided to have some fun like kids do... We went bowling, mini-golfing, ate at iHop, then went to a bar to dance not drink :P.

It was soooo much fun. We did crazy different way of bowling like spinning around in circles, closing our eyes... and even texting and bowling at the same time. No one surprisingly was hurt during this. Yay us! Mini-golf was a crazy adventure, I lost epically. I was like16 below par. Oh well at least I has fun. Then we all were super hungry and so we went and ate dinner at iHop. It was yummy! I got a burger, stuffed french toast and of course since it was my birthday the iHop people sang and we had ice cream.

Then it was time for cake! I know that sounds like a lot of food, and it was! But i blew out my candles and no one ate the cupcakes.

We then went to Hurricane Harry's for some good ol' country dancing. When we arrived at Harry's we were carded of course. This was funny because a week before we went and the guy was giving me a hard time about not being 21, well this week he tried tellin my I.D. was fake. He was messing with me and let me in. Once we got in no one was there so we all had a fun time just chilling and dancing by ourselves.

So as most of y'all know I am not much into dancing, I will do it but I mean I don't know how to and I enjoy more so watching people doing it than doing it myself. Well, luck would have it that I would be dancing most of the night.

I forgot to mention that at iHop my friend Sara asked if a friend of her;s could join us. I said yes, because I had heard of him before I just had not met him. Little did I know what would happen from saying yes.

So this boy who came to dinner also came with us to go dancing, because he loves to dance. And I didn't think much of it until it actually came time to dance. He made me get out of my comfort zone and actually get up off my lazy butt and dance. He would not take no for an answer. I told him repeatedly that I don't dance, and that I didn't know how to. He made it his goal to teach me. Well he kinda did, let's just say by the end of the night i was much better.

Well, 2am came and the bar people kicked us out so we went to the parking lot and talked for a while. Slowly one by one everyone was leaving. So we said our good byes and then it came time to say good bye to this random boy. He had kinda grown on me by this point and I was good with being friends so I got his number and he said good bye.

Well, after i got home I had a texting conversation with said boy and fell asleep while talking to him, which isn't out of the ordinary.

The next day we talked pretty much the whole day and he even ask me out for that night which I gladly said yes to.

We went and got ice cream then went to a park and watch the star and talked, I know he's got some smooth moves right? :P It was an awesome first date, which will be followed by amazing second and third and forth and so on dates.

This weekend didn't go the way I had planned at all. I didn't expect to meet a boy that could make me laugh so much and make me feel like a princess. I guess this just prove that Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways, and we just need to be open to his plan for us.

And for all you pessimistic people out there, I am choosing to not to over think this. I tend to ruin great and wonderful things by over thinking. Yes, I know what could happen. Yes I realize this could be a mistake. But, I also realize that if I don’t at least take the risk I could be missing out on something amazing. So I am choosing to take it one adventure at a time until I know without a doubt that it is not going to work, but right now things are looking pretty awesome.

And girls, be careful what you wish for, you never know who is waiting just around the corner.

Remember that when life gets hard to keep moving forward and to...

Always Smile!


  1. Go Teasha! I hope this works out for you!! Whoohoo!

  2. Thanks Leah! I am still in complete and utter shock about all of this. But I am happier than I have been in the past if ya know who I mean... :P
