Friday, October 4, 2013

Big Plans!


So I am fully aware that I have not updated my blog in about a year, and I am sorry for that. But a lot had happened and when I say A LOT I mean A LOT! 

I know I might seem a bit wishy-washing on what I want to do with my life, but I have finally figured out how to do what I want and combine the things I love most. I have decided to start a non-profit as you all my or may not know, but for the longest time I wasn't sure how I could do that. But now I do!

So thanks to one of my favorite books; Icing on the Cake and it's sequel Previously Engaged; I have my game plan. It inspired me to open a bakery and have all of the proceeds go to helping families suffering financially due to childhood cancer. 

I am aware that this will be a long and hard process, and that it might very well kill me. But I am determined to succeed. I will not give uo because I know how important this can to too so many families. 

I know this will not happen instantly and I know there are going to be some road blocks, and that is why I have decided to re-purpose my blog to updating everyone on my progress. Some of my posts might be about the non-profit and some of them might just be about life, but everything will come together!

Thank you so much for all the support that you have shown me thus far! It is greatly appreciated.

Remember that when life gets hard to keep moving forward and....

Always Smile!       

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