Thursday, October 24, 2013

Overthinking...? Maybe...or maybe not?


So lately I have been in a slump. I haven't been able to make any progress on my nonprofit, and I also have kind of hit a wall when it comes to school and work.

So, as you may or may not know the government has recently been shut down and then reopened. As a result of this happening, the paper work that I had sent in to the IRS is now lost, and probably forever. So I have to figure out how to resubmit all of that to get the ball rolling again, and I don't see this as having an easy solution.

As for school, I started applying to Business schools in order to get my Bachelors in Business Management and also get my certificate in Non-profit, but this is proving to be harder than it seems.  The school I want to get into doesn't except student for the spring and I would rather not have to commute. I am currently stuck between a rock and a hard place, and I am not sure what to do.

As far as work goes, I love my job! It brings me so much joy and happiness I cant even being to tell you. I currently work at a daycare in the infant room, but this job isn't going to get me where I want to go, it is a wonderful place to work but I cant stay here forever, I don't get paid enough.

I feel like I am not progressing in any of my endeavors lately and it is really bringing me down. I have gotten to the point where I don't know if this is really what i should be doing with my life. Maybe, I just got so caught up in the excitement of it all and I didn't really think it all out about how it would work.

I don't know maybe I freak out too much and I am just over thinking it, but I am at a turn point of giving up on my nonprofit and just going about life as I would have if it had never crossed my mind... I dont know. I just feel like I can't do anything correctly right now and that if I do try to open this business that it will fail and that in my opinion is almost worse than not doing it at all....

Always Smile!

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