Friday, October 11, 2013

A little bit about me, and why I am doing what I do!


I have realized that many people that read this blog probably have no idea why I am doing everything that I am doing. So, I have decided to tell my story.

WARNING!!!! This will be a long post, sorry in advance. 

So I want to start with the name sake of Always Smile. His name was Brian Orgill, he was a very close and dear friend of mine even though I didn't know him very long. 

He was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, which is soft tissue cancer, on December 7, 2007. This was a few years before I had the great pleasure of meeting Brian. 

Here is the story how I met Brian (Most of this was written 3.5 years ago, just a heads up):

It was Spring Break of the '08- '09 school year, Hope (my best friend in high school) and I were so very excited we had planned a pool party and couldn't wait for the nice warm weather and hanging out at the pool. We decided to have our party at the community pool since it was bigger than the one in our backyard, so we planned the party cleaned the house and we were all set. The party came and left. It was a ton of fun, after the party was over we cleaned up then it was time for bed. A couple nights later Hope and I decided to go back to the pool and get in the hot tub and just hang out and relax. We weren't expecting anyone to be there because it had been colder that day so we thought we were the only crazy people to go to the pool when it was cold. But when we got there, there was a family in the hot tub with 2 boys, one a teenager and one around 9 a teenage girl and then the parents. So as to not be rude Hope and we sat on the other side of the hot tub and whispered and talked to ourselves. We were giggling and just being girls, when I looked up and saw Brian. I turned to Hope and told her that I thought he was cute. After a while we were just hanging out we saw the Dad and Tyler (Brian’s little brother) jump into the big pool. “You guys are crazy" Brian yelled and without even thinking about it I said "Ya think?" Brain look over at me and laughed, and introduced him. We told him our names and we talked for a bit then we decided to jump in the big pool as well. Once in there we were just swimming around and Brian asked if we were Mormon we said yes and he got a big grin on his face. We had been talking for a while and that's when he told us this had been the first time he had been able to go swimming in about a year and a half. We asked him why that was and he told us he had Cancer. This made my heart sink he could tell that it upset me and quickly added that he was in remission and that hopefully it wouldn't come back, we talked for a while then decided that it was time for us to go. As we said our good bye Brian asked for my cell number, he’s a fast mover isn't he? So I gave it to him not thinking that I would really talk to him again, later that night I got a text that said: "Good night , Teasha." This made me heart happy. :D

I got to know him quite well, at first we just texted while we were at school. And we got to know each other by asking each other questions, we talked a lot. I want to say in the first month of knowing him we sent about 2,000 texts back and forth. :) We learned that we had a lot in common like neither of us have a high chance of having kids, we had both been in and out of the hospital more time than we could count and most of the time our doctors had no idea how to fix what was wrong with us, this only made us become closer to each other.

As time went on, and the school year came to an end we didn't talk as much, he lived in Coalville, Utah. He didn't have cell phone reception there so talking became harder and harder to do. So we only talked before and after his church block.

Once school started up, Brian had moved to Salt Lake to go to community college. This gave us the freedom to talk all the time which we loved. We would call each other and be on the phone for hours on end, it helped both of us.

When things were not going well with me he would always get me to laugh and smile and see the good, when I was down on myself and thought that life wasn't worth the fight anymore, he would convince me that life is either a daring adventure or nothing, and if it was nothing then the reason for life wasn't a reason at all, he restored my faith in the church and got be to be me again. He knew me inside and out. He knew the good the bad the ugly. He knew everything about me and I knew everything about him. He was the one person I could turn to for everything and he could come to me for everything.

On September 15th, 2009, we had one of the saddest days since we had met. Well his cancer had come back. He had to undergo more treatment and more operations. He was hopeful though he knew he could beat it and he wasn't going to get down.

Well, during Thanksgiving weekend, Brian was going to try to surprise me by coming to Arizona but his little brother ruined the surprise and when Brian was sleeping in the car ride Tyler took his phone and told me they were on their way. I became extremely happy because Brian and I didn't know if we were ever going to see each other ever again.

On the Friday after Thanksgiving Brian said that we were going to be able to hang out and have fun. I was so excited. I couldn't wait to see him! As it got latter I was scared that I wasn’t going to be able to see him, it was around 11 that night when I got the text saying I could come pick him up, I jumped in my car fasted than I ever have and went to go get him. I had a hard time finding the house he was at but I soon did. He got into my car.

So we drove around for a really long time and talked and laughed and had fun. We couldn't find a good place for ice cream so we decided to just go to Sonic and hang out there, well it was almost midnight and got there and a little later they turned the lights off, Brian made a joke that they were setting the mood for our date; we had a lot of fun. Well we were asked to leave because it was so late and so I asked him if he wanted to meet one of my very close friends and he was very happy that I wanted him to meet her.

We got to Mias house just after midnight, we just talked then decided to go on a walk. We talked for a long time some funny things and then some on a more Spiritual level, I have never been comfortable with talking about spiritual things so Mia and Brian did most of the talking but I was happy to listen. As it got later, we decided it was time for me to take Brian home so he could get some sleep. It was 4 by the time that actually happened. It was the best date I have ever been on. :D

After that weekend Brian and I became even closer until January of 2010. The cancer was becoming too much for him to handle and he had to drop out of school and move back home to Coalville, which meant no cell phone reception. A few months later, Brian was gone.

Brian, was and still is my very best friend, he knew how to help me through everything. He always told me to be strong if this were to happen but I didn't think I could be, his favorite quote keeps coming to mind "You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option." we don't know who said so from now on its Brian.

Brian, saw me how no one has ever seen me before he opened my eyes to how heavenly Father might see me, he saw my potential and never let me be sad. When I would have a bad day I would call him, when I had a funny thing happen I would call him, whenever anything happened I would call him now he’s gone and I can't stop thinking about him.

I hope to never forget his laugh, he and a good heart felt happy loving life laugh that you get only from going through what he had gone through. Brian will be greatly missed by m, and I will never forget all of our late night phone calls, our stupid jokes and most of all I will never forget how happy he always was no matter how bad things got.

So, that’s how I met my best friend. Since then I have started college changed my major countless times and finally decided on what to do. 

About a year and a half ago I saw on Facebook and saw that one of my friends was doing a fundraiser through the St. Baldricks foundation. I looked into and decided I was going to shave my head to help find a cure for Childhood cancer, and that is when this all really started.

I organized and planned the entire event. I went to the community and asked for help, I did it all, and loved it. I shaved my head on September 15, 2012 and since then I have been trying to start my own nonprofit. 
Brian showed me how to live and showed me that no matter how hard life seems to be there is joy in the journey, you just have to have faith in every footstep. That is why I am doing this, because I believe the joy of a child is a joy worthwhile!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask!

Also, here is a like to the blog I had while I was grieving Brian's passing: 

Remember that when life gets hard to keep moving forward and to...

Always Smile!

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