Monday, February 10, 2014

Everyone is BEAUTIFUL!


So I have been super busy lately and I am probably going to do two different post one to explain why ia hve been busy, which will come later, and this one. So stay tuned.

A few weeks ago I was one Facebook and saw a video that I thought was very interesting. If was made by the Dove company and it explained how young girl judge themselves. It got me thinking about how we all think less of ourselves than we should. Why, why do we do this? We are all awesome! We all have our ups and down and we are all equal. We all are beautiful in our own ways, plus there are so many people putting us down that why add another negative voice to the pile?

I want all of you to watch this video and tell me how you think you are AWESOME!

Remember that when life gets hard, to keep moving forward and to...

Always Smile!

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