Sunday, December 7, 2014

"Life goes on..."

"Life goes on.." it's a simple phrase that we all use. But have we ever thought about what it really means?

Something bad happens, and we say life goes on.
Break ups happen, life goes on.
We fail a test, life goes on.
When we crash our cars, life goes on.
And when we simply don't get what we want, life goes on.

But does it really? Does life go on? Existing goes on, living can end when you stop embracing your existence.

Before I go any further, I want to explain that this is not a suicide note, and I am happy with life. I am simply expressing a thought I had after a conversation with a friend.

I do not believe that "life goes on," existing goes on but life doesn't. What you have to understand is that life and existing are two different things. If you were to stop embracing life, you would still be alive, you just wouldn't necessarily be "living."

Existing, is being on earth and going through the motions. It's getting up, going to work, coming home and not actually doing anything with your time.

Life on the other hand is taking this time on earth that the good Lord gave you and living it to its fullest.

Its staying up till 2am playing video games with your roommate when you have work at 8am.
Its first dates, and awkward moments, first kisses and long relationships.
Its going to college and becoming who you really are.
It random road trips, to just get out of town.
It's the simple things that put smiles on our faces, laughs in our bellies, and an overall sense of accomplishment.

I know that this is cliche to say and that you have heard it a thousand times, but its not the breaths you take but the moments that take your breaths away. We spend so much time just trying to get through life. We are doing our best to just scrape by, but where is the fun in that? There isn't any! We all need to take some time and just relax and have fun and loose control for a little while.

"Life is meant to be enjoyed not just endured!" - Gordon B. Hinkley

Take this advice, and make sure you have FUN! I don't care what you do... as long as it is legal. And remember to make it worth while, and let it take your breath away.

As always if you ever need to contact me please feel free to via email or Facebook and of course you can leave a comment down below.

Remember that when life gets hard to moving forward and to...

Always Smile!

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