Sunday, November 29, 2015

Keep living the Gospel until you know it is wrong.

I was asked to speak in sacrament meeting today, and a lot of my loved ones have asked me to share what I said, so here it is, word for word.

Howdy! So as most of you know I’m Teasha, and I want to warn you, the past few weeks have been life changing so if this talk is all over the place, I am sorry. I also apologize for how personal this may become.

In this past conference Elder Quintin L. Cook gave a talk entitled : Shipshape and Bristol Fashion: Be Temple Worthy—in Good Times and Bad Times 

He says: The adversary has been successful in planting a great myth in the minds of many people. He and his emissaries declare that the real choice we have is between happiness and pleasure now in this life and happiness in a life to come (which the adversary asserts may not exist). This myth is a false choice, but it is very seductive.

Because of this we must always be striving to live in such away that if you were to go to the temple at this moment we would be worthy of it. 

Later in his talk Elder Cook states: the storms and temptations of this life are often unpredictable. But this we know: they will come! In order to overcome the challenges and temptations that each of us inevitably faces, it will require righteous preparation and the use of divinely provided protections. We must determine to be temple worthy regardless of what befalls us. If we are prepared, we shall not fear.

Now for the person part…

Some of you may or may not know this but I have not always been active in this Gospel. 

When I first moved to Texas from Arizona, I had no obligation to go to church. I had not friends here that would encourage me to go, and none if my family cared since none of them are Mormon, so it was easy to simply not go.

I would go when I could fit it into my schedule or when I thought it was convenient for me. The best way I can describe this is that I was living in such away that  I was making my life choices based on personal gain rather than basing those choices on values and what Heavenly Father was asking of me. 

So about 4 years ago we got a new bishop, which meant that I could really step back form the church, because the “new” guy wouldn't know who I was and therefore wouldn’t know I was missing… Or so I thought. 

About a month after the change I got a call from the Elders that were serving in the ward at the time, they told me that bishop had asked them to reach out to me and to have a lesson with me, and all I could think was “shucks! my plan has been foiled.” So I reluctantly said I would meet with them and  little did I know that was the best choice I could have made for myself.

It wasn’t an immediate change for me, I did’t suddenly become active…I was still not following what I knew was right.

So after meeting with the missionaries for quite a few months and still having yet to really go to church, they where becoming frustrated as you can expect. So… they had decided to bring on of best friends to the lesson to see if he would be able to “soften my heart” as to make this a little shorter I’ll just say that lesson did not go very well and i kicked all three of them, the 2 elders and my best friend out of my house and asked them not to come back. 

Well, they didn't listen to me, surprise surprise. But I was to stubborn to accept their apologies, so it took another 2 months for them to meet with me again. 

This time we met at the institute, with a random person from the ward. AS we were talking the elders where trying to get me to see the truth, that this Gospel is the only true one on earth and that the only way to be blessed by it is to live it. I told them I was done, I told them I didn't want to live it, I would rather spend my time doing other more important things such as school, work internships and student government. They knew I was about to take a trip back home and made me promise that while i was there, I would try to remember why I became a member in the first place, since I am a convert. I once again reluctantly agree, and that one choice, has made all the difference in my life. 

When back home, I saw the Mesa Arizona temple daily, my sister lives across the street from it so there was no avoiding it, so one day my pride had decided to lighten up and I walked over to the temple. While walking the grounds I had this sudden sense of peace surround me, and the thought, “i need to keep doing this until it feels wrong” that was almost 4 years ago now, and i am obviously very active. 

So why would I tell you, people I barely know something so personal about myself… Because you can learn from my mistakes. 

I am going to be honest, I never said the church wasn't true during that time, I questioned it, but never felt that it wasn’t. looking back now, i can tell you that it was because I was living by pride instead of integrity that made me push the church away. 

There are two definitions of what integrity is, the first being: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Which I think We all have a pretty firm grasp of, but the second one, I like just a little bit more, and it is the state of being whole and undivided.

Isn’t that cool? I like to think of it this way, we are all striving to be perfect. right? The only way to be perfect, is to live with integrity which means to be whole and undivided, and as I recently learned, the greek word for perfection is teleios. Now teleios has a completely different connotation, one that makes much more sense for us than what we would normally think perfection is. Various dictionaries and scholars have defined this word to mean the following: Complete in all its parts; full grown; of full age; maturity; reaching the end (aim); developing into a consummating completion. 

To me, this means integrity and perfection are almost one in the same. Now I am not saying that you have to be perfect ever second of everyday, what I am saying, is to strive to do what you know is right and true and will lead you to the temple, and you will be happy.

This however doesn't mean that the storms of life won’t come like Elder Cook said, they will. ONe of my favorite quotes is “Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it.” Heavily Father loves us, and would never put us in a situation where He thought we would get smothered by the fire, we may get a few burns here and there but in the end, we will over come the fire.

I want to bare you my testimony that Heavenly Father does love us, all of us, and he wants us to return to live with him. It doesn’t matter how far from him we think we are, it is not possible for us to sink lower than the infinite depth that Christ’s love can go. further than Christ’s love can reach. 

If you are having a hard time with the Gospel find someone to talk to, if you want you can come talk to me. I know how hard it can be to pull your self out of a place of despair, I have spent my fair share of time in the place where souls get lost and lines get crossed and the pain  wont go away. And the only way I was able to get out of the pit was to hit my knees, pray and rely on those who where still active in the gospel, and to accept the help offered to me… and yes… I was not always happy about it… only then was i able to stand and get out. I can promise you there is no greater joy in this life, than living the gospel

There is a poem I love that explains trials much better than I can, and I hope it helps you. 

My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me.
I cannot choose the colors
He weaveth steadily.

Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow;
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I the underside.

Not ’til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Will God unroll the canvas
And reveal the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful
In the weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned

If you ever doubt his love for you pray, he is there, He is our Father, treat him as such go to him for help,you may not understand why he does what he does, but he is familiar to us and if we pray, we can more fully see the pattern he has weaved. 

Ezra Taft Benson said this about Heavenly Father “Nothing will surprise us more than when we get to heaven and see the Father and realize how well we know Him and how familiar His face is to us.”

Once again, I know he loves us and wants us to find true joy, and the only way to find it is by living the gospel and doing what we know is right, in spite of our own self gain.

I say these things in the name of our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. 

As always if you ever need to contact me please feel free to via email or Facebook and of course you can leave a comment down below.

Remember that when life gets hard, keep moving forward and...

Always Smile!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Thoughts and Opinions


As we are all very aware of the SCOTUS ruling to make same sex marriage legal, now I am not going to tell you about my opinion on the subject itself, because it isn't important. I want to express my thoughts and opinions on other peoples reactions and thoughts.

I will be blunt and honest. I am sorry if this offends anyone, I am sorry but this is my honest thoughts.

First of all just because you are for or against the ruling, doesn't mean you need to mean rude and ugly to the other side. As I scroll though my Facebook feed I see people posting things such as:

"Time to remind the hateful bigots that this is certainly not an attack on religion, but an attack on their bigotry." 

"Could everyone do me a big favor and unfriend me if you don't support marriage equality."

In my experience and what I have read and seen, the LGBT community feels like they have been discriminated against for how they feel they should be able to live their lives, which I can understand. BUT, once the ruling came out and Christians and believers in Traditional marriage were against it, the LGBT community and those who support it where discriminating against the people who feel like marriage is between a man and a women.   

Traditional marriage supporters are being called intolerant, bigots, incompetent, idiots and many other things, simply because they hold to their convictions of what marriage should be. 

So, in other words the LGBT community and those who support it, are doing to others what they have claimed has been done to oppress them... Does this seem like it's right or fair? 

I don't think so. 

Just because you disagree with someones views on a subject doesn't mean you need to be degrading and nasty about it. It is possible to have opposing views and be genuine about it. 

No one person or groups rights are more important than any other group or person. 
I feel like everyone should be treated with the same respect. If a public official doesn't want to preform a marriage because it goes against their beliefs, find another person to do it. They shouldn't be penalized for their beliefs. Isn't that what this was partially about? Not being judged for your beliefs and being able to live life the way you want to? This applies to both sides. If you are not willing to be tolerant and understanding of other beliefs and convictions, don't expect other to accept and respect yours.
I feel like this has become a bigger issues than it needs to be, we all just need to be conciderate and genuinely nice to those around us. It's that the "golden rule"? Treat others as you would like to be treated. 
A very wise author summed it up nicely in one sentence: " A persons a person no matter how small."

As always if you ever need to contact me please feel free to via email or Facebook and of course you can leave a comment down below.

Remember that when life gets hard to moving forward and to...

Always Smile!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Do you deserve Jesus?


So I know that this may be a weird question to ask, and I probably shouldn't be asking, but I have a point trust me.

Try to answer these questions honestly:

Do you deserve Jesus?
Do you deserve what He did for you?
Do you appreciate what He has done for you?
How do you show that appreciation?
If you don't appreciate it, why not?
Are you living in a way to deserve Him?

I know these are questions that are personal and hard to answer. Honestly, if we answer these questions ourselves, some of them aren't very positive.

To our finite minds, we may think that we don't deserve Jesus, that we have done too much bad, that we have become so far away from him that there is no possible way for us ti return. We let others fill our minds with doubt, and let them tell us we are not good enough to deserve Jesus.

The horrible thing is that we believe it. We let all of the negativity of what we and what others think of us get us down. We start to believe the lies of the world.

We start to believe that we are nothing, that we have no future, that life ends at death.

But I am here to tell you how very wrong that is.

I have recently been filling my life with as much, for lack of a better term, Jesus as possible. I have come to some very important realizations.

We, as a whole, do not and cannot understand the infinite love that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for us! They love us no matter what! It's not conditional. Heavenly Father loves us so much that he was willing to let us have our agency. He knew that some of His children would turn their back to Him, He knew that we would make mistakes, He knew that we would go through tremendous pain. He knew that there was only one way for us to get through it all so that we could have the experiences and knowledge we needed to be with Him again.

That way was Jesus Christ. That way is the atonement. That way, is the only way for all of the hurt of this world to be worth it. That way, is the only way the joy and love could be eternal.

Heavenly Father sent His son, Jesus Christ to come to Earth, to live a perfect life, to teach, to preform miracles, to show us how to love, and show us how to live. This hurt Heavenly Father. He watched His son die, in pain, so that we could live.

Jesus Christ died on the cross to save all of us. He had to balance the scales of justice and mercy.  He did this so that when we sinned, we would be able to repent and be clean. He did this so we could live a life that we wanted to, and choose what to do or not to do. We get to choose how we live because of their love.

But, that is not that most amazing part to me. The most amazing thing about the atonement in my opinion is that Christ would do it all, for ONE of us. Yes, you read that correctly, if He needed to Christ would still go through the pain of being crucified for one single person.

How amazing is that love? How does that change how you see what He has done? I want to go back to my first question. Do you deserve Jesus Christ? Do you deserve to have Him die for you?

You still might think you don't, and to the world you don't... but you do! You can't let anyone talk you out of this truth! I am aware that it is hard to believe and you don't feel like you are worth it, but to Them, you are. There is also only one way to to show Them how grateful we are.

We obey Their will. Simply said, not easily executed, but always worth it.

So this Easter season, I wish, hope, and pray that you search out Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. Test Them and their love. They will never leave you alone, they love you.

As always if you ever need to contact me please feel free to via email or Facebook and of course you can leave a comment down below.

Remember that when life gets hard to moving forward and to...

Always Smile!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Choosing to be single....


So lately there has been a big buzz around me and some of the choices I am making in life, and I want to address some of them.

I hear it all the time and I am sure most people who are adults and single do too;

How are you still single? You are so amazing!
You just haven't found the right person!
Have you tried online dating?
I know the perfect guy for you...
You're too picky, maybe you should lower your standards....

And the list goes on.....and on...and on!


Yes, I am single. Yes, I am pretty dang amazing (not to toot my own horn ;)) and I am happy with it!

As I have stated before, many times in other posts, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As such there is a certain stigma about being a young single adult. It is frowned upon to be single in the society of the church. For example their is a famous quote that people use when enclosing on the age of 25...

"Any unmarried man over age 25 is a menace to society."

Yes, thats right, menace! Do you know the correct definition of the word menace? No? Well here it is according to Webster's Dictionary; one who causes harm or danger, one who is a threat, one who causes trouble.

So if you put the quote with the definition, any person over age 25 is a threat, causes harm, danger and trouble...WHAT?!?  

How does that make any sense? Good question... right?!? Well, the answer is simple... It doesnt.

So at this point I am sure you are all wondering how and why this applies to me? Am I right..? Yeah?!?

You're sitting there at your computer thinking "Teasha... you're only 23, how does this make sense for you to post about...?"

Well my friends, here is why!

In our church we have congregations particularly geared to young persons between the ages of 18 and 31. The purpose is so that you are with people you can relate to more easily, and to get kids (by kids i mean 18 to 31) married! Which is a great idea! To a point... 

We are encouraged and some might even say forced to be in this congregation... And it is seen as weird and odd if you are not in this congregation if you fit the parameters for it. 

I am one of these odd and weird people. I decided 6 months ago to leave the singles ward, or singles congregation and attend a traditional ward, or a family congregation.  I have also stopped associating with most of the people in that demographic. 

As you can imagine, rumors and questions came up from every where. People thought I was giving up on being Mormon, others thought I was giving up on dating, and there are many other crazy assumptions made. 

I heard it all, and when I explained the real reasons why people were shocked.  

I am not afraid to speak how I feel about something, I was blunt and honest. 

The main purpose behind a singles ward, is to get people married. My personal opinion is that if you are not at a point where you are comfortable with getting married, why would you put yourself in a position to be married and for people to push you into it..?

I am choosing to be single right now. I know that I need to work on myself and be happy with who I am and what I want in life before I can add someone else and their well-being in the mix. 

If I wanted to, I could have been married and settled down by now... But would it be a lasting relationship? I doubt it. I don't want to rush into something because everyone thinks its what I should be doing.  

 I honor and respect marriage too much to just go out and marry whomever, I want it to be right, I want to be sure, I want it to be forever.

So when people ask me if I am happy being single and if I wish I was in a relationship, I say "Come what may and love it!" I am not against a relationship happening, I just am not going out of my way to find one. 

So, if I turn 25 and I am still single I will embrace the fact that I am a menace and be happy with it! Because life is waaaay too short to be depressed about and plus, none of us get out of it alive!

I am sorry if this seems like I was rambling... But I think I expressed how I feel about this. 

As always if you ever need to contact me please feel free to via email or Facebook and of course you can leave a comment down below.

Remember that when life gets hard, keep moving forward and...

Always Smile!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

12 years ago...


I meant to do this post a few days ago but life has been busy and I forgot to do it...

January 25... It would seem like any other day of the year to most people... But to me, this day holds a special meaning. 

On January 25, 2003 I made the biggest decision of my existence, even though at the time I had no idea how much it would impact my life.

12 years ago I made the decision to be baptized and become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or otherwise known as Mormon. 

It was the best decision I could have made for myself. I was only 11 when I made the choice and I had no idea what exactly I was doing. 

I have been on a crazy roller coaster as far as the Church goes, it has taken me a long time to get to when I am, and it hasn't always been easy. 

It took me about 10 years to understand what the gospel was and to decide that I actually wanted to be in it for the long haul. But even then, I have had a hard time.

***Disclaimer; this is about to get religious, so if you don't want here read about how I feel about God, stop reading. ***

Being a member of the Church, isn't easy and it isn't supposed to be. We are meant to be tried and tested. We have to remember that God isn't the only one who wants us.

Have you ever wondered why, when it seems like you are doing what’s right, you’re on the right path, and you can feel yourself getting closer to God - that temptations seem to get stronger and more frequent?

I have experienced this numerous times. It makes you feel almost as if the temptations are there because you're really not doing as well as you thought, that you are somehow unclean, unworthy.

ERRRR!!! Wrong answer. Try again.

My Bishop gave this analogy at girl’s camp a many years ago...

You are standing facing the sun, with your shadow behind you. You start walking towards the sun. What happens? Wouldn't you know that your shadow actually starts to grow bigger! The closer you get the longer it stretches out- sometimes almost even becoming bigger than you actually are.

But there is a changing point in this formula if you continue to walk towards the sun. Once you hit this point, your shadow starts to get smaller. Now instead of the shadow growing bigger as you get closer to the sun, it starts to diminish, until you reach a point that you are close enough to the sun that your shadow is gone completely.

 Now talking in terms of the gospel, the sun is Heavenly Father and the shadow is temptation. When we first start taking those steps towards Him a little emergency flash goes off in Satan's workshop. It says "WARNING! WARNING! Teasha has taken three steps closer to the Sun! Act accordingly. Pronto!" 

So little old Satan comes a creeping up behind us throwing all sorts of tricks and deceptions at us. If we give in, stop taking steps towards the Sun or even take a step or two back, Satan isn't so worried anymore and he leaves us alone for a while. But again, as we start to take steps closer to the Sun, Satan comes back. As we continue to take steps forward despite Satan's attempts to stop us, he starts to really get worried and he starts throwing harder temptations at us at a faster rate. The closer we get the more desperate he becomes. He'll stop at nothing to get us to halt our progression! 

But, in the end, light is stronger than darkness, isn't it. If we continue to press forward, Satan's power diminishes until finally it can no longer touch us nor be seen. That isn't to say that trials will disappear. Trials are a part of Heavenly Father's tool kit. He uses them to mold us, make us stronger, humble us, teach us, to give us experience. So while temptations may become smaller and not as much as a struggle, it doesn't mean our lives are free of pain and heartache and struggle.

As myself speaking, I feel temptation is Satan's tool and trials are Heavenly Father's. Heavenly Father does not tempt us. He gives us daily struggles to overcome and to become closer to him. Satan uses trickery and deception. The definition of temptation is "to induce or entice, as to something immoral". It’s interesting to look at the definition of moral. It means "dealing with, or capable of distinguishing between right and wrong". So to be immoral would mean that you are no longer able to tell right from wrong. Satan tempts us so that when we give in, we are allowing ourselves to start sand-papering away our knowledge of right from wrong. 

Isn't that interesting? Would a loving Heavenly Father tempt us? Would he want us to fog our consciences to where we no longer had a sense of right and wrong? No. Heavenly Father sends us trials, the act of being tried. Tried meaning tested, proved, trustworthy. If we fail a trial, it means we haven't been proven. To fail and give into temptation causes much more than failure. It causes our senses to be dulled and our Liahona to stop working. We start to wonder and to forget why we even came out into the wilderness in the first place. Pretty soon old Satan doesn't have to hang around anymore. We have become so immoral (not being able to tell right from wrong) that he no longer has to tempt us. It’s as if we stopped walking along the path, decided to twirl in a circle ten times real fast, and then try walking forward again. Most of the time we end up falling on our bums! Satan just laughs, delighted with our now queasy stomachs and dizzy/mixed up heads, and he runs off to find someone else. 

If we can be strong and realize that we are not unworthy of our Father's blessings, and realize that temptation in our lives does not mean we are somehow failing. But rather realize that as we take steps closer to Him, Satan is going to do everything in his power to stop us. He is going to throw larger and even more enticing temptations are way to get us to stop our progression. 

Satan is powerful, but God outshines him like the Sun to a wee bitty ant. So small in fact, that even us, ourselves here on earth are much grander than a wee ant. Sure the ant can bite, his little friends can follow and start climbing over your feet and legs. But we have the power to smash that little ant. We have the power to turn on the hose and wash all those little ants away.

I testify that the hose is the power of the Atonement. 

I know all too well how Satan and his followers whisper lies into our minds. They whisper disappointments, proud thoughts, selfish thoughts, and doubts.

We have the power to turn on the hose.

No one else can do it for you.

You alone must turn it on. 

Even after the ants are gone, you may be left with bites that itch and are swollen, but with time it will heal. In time they will disappear.

So also can the Atonement heal you, Christ suffered for YOU.  Don’t let it be in vain.

When I was in my most dark and dismal places, coming to the Church and learning of the gospel is what brought me back to Heavenly Fathers light and love. Earlier I mentioned how being a member of the Church hasn't always been easy, but I can guarantee it has been worth it. The Church has truly changed my life. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.