Sunday, March 13, 2016

The name of Jesus Christ.


As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints when we are baptized we take upon us the name of Christ. Each and every Sunday when we take the Sacrament we covenant with God that we are willing to take upon us the name of the Son, and always remember him.

As I was thinking about this blog post I started to think of all the names and titles we have for Christ, and here are a few:

Light and life of the world
Prince of peace
Morning Star
Lamb of God
Son of God
Alpha and Omega
I Am
The Anointed One
King of Kings
Lord of Lords

That is a lot of things we are taking upon us when we commit to taking upon us His name. My question is, do we fully understand what it means to do this? And if we did, would we still do what we do?

Would you still laugh at people who do things different from you? Would you gossip about those around you? Would you post that mean status on Facebook, or that mean comment? Would you go to that website you know you shouldn't be looking at?

I think that if we truly understood who Jesus Christ is and what He expects of us, we wouldn't do any of these things. 

Christ loved everyone, but never dropped his standards. He knew His purpose in life, to do the Fathers will. We are here to do the same thing, but the most wonderful part about it is that we are working with Him! We aren't working for Heavenly Father and Christ we are working with them. They are there to help us and for us to lean on when things get hard. 

We are all fallible, all of us get tempted and need to be saved, and that is why Christ atoned for ours sins. He went through all of our pain, hardships and temptations before we did. Why would we not turn to someone we know has the answers and can help us? He has been there! TURN TO HIM! He will help. He is reaching out His hand to pull us up and keep us from drowning, all we need to do is to choose to grab it and be saved. 

He has given us a road map for how we can be flawless, and there is only one way to get there. It is through the path HE walked alone. Only He could do it, that is why the path is narrow. None where with Him, and since He was alone we never have to be, and that my friends is reason to rejoice. 

So, my plea to you, and myself, is to think before we act. Would you do what you are about to do if Christ was sitting next to you? If not, simply don't do it!

I love you all and know that I am here for you if any of you ever need me! 

As always if you ever need to contact me please feel free to via email or Facebook and of course you can leave a comment down below.

Remember that when life gets hard, keep moving forward and...

Always Smile!

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