Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sorry for the delay!


I am sorry that I never updated y'all on the phone call I had with Mr. Cooper! It was a great and much needed conversation that opened my eye to what I could do with all of my ideas and the best way to be successful.

He explained a lot about how he got his started and instructed me that maybe starting my own business from the get go could not be the best idea. He told me that I need to look into other organizations that help families effected by childhood cancer and volunteer there and see if they would be willing to help me with my idea. This had never crossed my mind before and I am not going to lie my pride took a hit.

I, at the time, wanted to do this on my own and have my own business. After much thought and prayers, I decided that I need to get a better grape on how nonprofits work and get some experience under my belt before I dive off the diving board, because the last thing I want to do it belly flop.

I have currently contacted the American Cancer Society and the Make a Wish foundation to see if they would like my help. I am waiting anxiously to see what they say, but I know now more so than ever that as long as I turn to the Lord everything will work out.

I don't normally get very spiritual on my blog but I see that changing each time I post, and that is because I have recently had experiences that have opened my eyes to how much the Lord is truly always there for me. The Lrd will never leave us, we leave him. May we always remember that, he is always our cheerleader standing behind us waiting for us to succeed and do well, he wants nothing less from us, but we get so busy with life that we tend forget he is there to listen, to heal, to mend, to bless, and to bring joy to our lives. He can be our best friend and greatest comforter if only we let him in our lives.

Once again I want to thank you all so much for your continued support and efforts in helping me with my dreams. If I could ask you to do one more thing, please spread the word of what I am trying to do, even if its just simply sharing this blog with others or adding me on Facebook or anything really.

As always please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. You cna leave them here on the blog or you can email/Facebook me. My email address is and my Facebook profile is

Remember that when life gets hard to keep moving forward and to...

Always Smile!

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